Thursday, April 9, 2015

Christgau Response #3

Christgau Response
            Christgau’s review on The Rolling Stones’ album, A Bigger Bang is very interesting, specifically with his metaphorical phrases. His first sentence of his review states, “Old rockers make too many promises they can’t keep”, which caught my attention because he has me wondering, what the “old rockers” had promised. Christgau claims how The Rolling Stones are going downhill due to their age and lack of production of great music. His writing is not great journalism because his review is a little bit out of synch. With the first paragraph, Robert Christgau makes you believe he does not like The Rolling Stones. As the review continues, he does not make you visualize what their album is about. Instead all he writes are just words with no meaning. “The lyrics aren’t bad either” he says, but meanwhile we need to be vividly described about what is going on within the lyrics. His reviews are not accurate and very opinionated. He is balanced with notion of not putting emotion into this reviews. One thing I do like, is his spunk. He seems like he doesn’t care about anyone’s opinion besides himself.

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